Last week we focused on Carl, but this week we move to Lizze and Mika. It was amazing to see Tyreese with them. He’s an unlikely babysitter and yet quite a good one. Well, if you don’t count that part of the episode where he left them alone and Lizzie almost killed Judith. What’s up with that, Lizzie? In this new world order it seems like little psychopaths are kind of a thing. Thanks, Carol. In a different vein, Tara is alive and well. It looks like she’s going to join the group for good, and thank goodness. Tara adds a much-needed LGBT perspective. She’s vulnerable but tough and at times just the right amount of arrogant. The death of her girlfriend and her family is also rich emotional terrain and will be interesting to see how the show deals wth for weeks to come. What did you think of “Inmates”? Are you glad Tara’s now more a part of the show? Tweet us TWD thoughts @YAmzine!