The Ya Trailer Watch

Catch it here first! We are on the lookout for the freshest, hottest and coolest YA trailers as they come out, with the bare basics laid out for your enjoyment. Watch this space and enjoy, coming soon to a theater near you!


Most exciting thing in the trailer: The leopard, Meryl’s voice and hair, and Alexander Skarsgard!

Weirdest thing:
Jeff Bridges’ speech impediment?

Did they show too much?
No—they finally got this right. After the minor uproar caused by the first version of the trailer, certain elements more faithful to the book have been included (including black and white footage).

Worth seeing it opening weekend?
A cinematic occasion to see Meryl Streep and Katie Holmes in the same film? You betcha!


Most exciting thing in the trailer: Curiously, not the monster itself. The tsunami is pretty awesome. OK, and that tail shot is amazing too.

Weirdest thing: Bryan Cranston not in the HAZMAT suit, for once.

Did they show too much? Pretty much. If not with this one, then definitely with the final trailer.

Worth seeing it opening weekend? Uh, duh.


Most exciting thing in the trailer: Lea Thompson (of Back to the Future) in another 80s movie!

Weirdest thing: Susan Sarandon drinking beer out of a pitcher.

Worth seeing it opening weekend? Yes, for the Wet Hot American Summer set.

All Cheerleaders Die

Most exciting thing in the trailer: The stunts. Definitely not the zombies, since these undead girls have clearly had a makeover.

Weirdest thing: The genre. Is this a zombie film? Wildly unclear.

Did they show too much? Since it isn’t clear what kind of film this really is, the answer is no.

Worth seeing it opening weekend? If you’re a fan of anything from Heathers to Jennifer’s Body, then go for it.

Trust Me 

Most exciting thing in the trailer: The incredible cast, including Molly Shannon, Felicity Huffman, Sam Rockwell and Allison Janney.

Weirdest thing: When the big shot Hollywood agent says, “I’m just asking for a chance.”

Did they show too much? No, and the storyline features intriguing young actress Saxon Sharbino playing…an intriguing young actress, looking for an agent. Let’s see if this as good as Jerry Maguire.

Worth seeing it opening weekend? Wait for Rotten Tomatoes to decide.

Monkey King Reloaded

Most exciting thing in the trailer: Not a whole lot – this looks like a shameless rip-off of Kung Fu Panda.

Weirdest thing: Reloaded? There was a first film?

Did they show too much? Yes?

Worth seeing it opening weekend? For animation to be truly an ‘event’, it needs to at the very least be original. This is not that.


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