Thursday Twitter Takeover: Tal Tsfany

Each week, an accomplished published author takes over the YEM Twitter account. Each week, the YA author will answer questions, tell stories, and give advice on our social media. This week young adult author Tal Tsfany will be taking over our Twitter account.

When Tal Tsfany was looking for books with role models for his three children, he had a difficult time. He couldn’t find many stories with strong, virtuous role models, so he decided to make his own! From there, Tal Tsfany wrote the novel, Sophie. The title character of Sophie embodies integrity, independence, and rationality. Sophie’s story portrays the importance of discovering and practicing the right principles.

Leo remembers the first time he met Sophie. When Leo first approached her, she was so focused on the book in front of her that she didn’t even notice him. Now, as Leo grows closer to Sophie, he begins to appreciate this aspect of his friend’s personality. Sophie possesses a sense of pride and determination that can take her far in life, but the actions of a conniving adult may ruin everything.

Sophie is hiding a secret. She and her mother are illegal immigrants from Syria. Sophie learned the American ideals of independence and perseverance from her wise grandfather, and she is determined to find a way for her family to stay legally. She and Leo start a business together to raise money so Sophie can hire an immigration lawyer. But can one thirteen-year-old girl really keep her family safe?

When Ingrid Sanders, a local politician who knows about Sophie’s secret, begins using the girl for her own ends, Sophie is faced with an enormously difficult decision. Should she go along with Ingrid’s schemes, or should she stand up for what she believes in? The decision will have a major impact on Sophie, her mother, and Leo himself!

To follow along with this week’s Twitter takeover, follow our Twitter account @YoungEntmag and follow the hashtag #YAAUTHORTAKEOVER
