Happy Birthday, Harry Potter. Thanks for changing my life and so many others.
— John Green (@realjohngreen) July 31, 2014
Okay it’s been two days since Comic-Con wrapped. Let’s get into Toronto planning, shall we?
— Josh Horowitz (@joshuahorowitz) July 30, 2014
We’ll be reading #TheGiver by @LoisLowryWriter! #NerdyGirlzBookClub http://t.co/3T6by48vlu
— Carly Rae Jepsen (@carlyraejepsen) August 1, 2014
Thank you all for your support. Simply put, we love you. Love, the #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy
— chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) July 30, 2014
An ostrich’s eye is the largest of any land animal.
— True Facts (@TrueFacts) July 31, 2014