At the beginning of this episode, we learn through a flashback that Danny and Charlie were roommates when Danny was in jail. Lacey and Charlie are getting friendly and Charlie approaches Danny to ask for his permission to invite Lacey to go to the homecoming dance with him. Lacey is stuck on Danny but he’s giving her the cold shoulder as he has bigger fish to fry, namely the secret that he and Jo have been keeping from everyone, including Lacey. Danny grants his permission but what’s less clear is whether Lacey will grant hers. Rico is still mooning over Jo but there’s a new kid in town, Andie, who might be a competitor for his affections. Jo gives Rico another tough knock back and tells him to open his eyes; Andie is swooning over him none too subtly. He asks Andie to the homecoming dance instead. Meanwhile, Karen and Jack are sharing a steamy moment together in this episode again right before Danny walks in on them. Danny can see the obvious connection between them no matter what Jack’s past relationship with his dad was.
Later that day, Danny even goes by Jack’s house to ask him to work on a car, giving a chance for Karen and Jack to have even more time together. Charlie invites Lacey to the dance but she knocks him back as she only wants to go with Danny, and she finally actually convinces him to take her. At the dance, the homecoming honors are given to Regina’s memory, and to Danny. What could be more natural than this pair of homecoming darlings, the dead girl and her once suspected killer? Luckily, Danny sees the idiocy in it too and walks out of the dance. Meanwhile, Chief Masterson and Tess’ dinner date is interrupted when he gets info from the police station on Vikram. Unforch for Tess, he listens to the voicemail that she had left Vikram and learns of her betrayal. She’s in deep doo doo, especially when Chief Masterson gets another call from the station informing him that Vikram is dead. How long can people keep their dirty laundry from becoming public? Tune in next week to find out!