Veronica the Trail-Blazer

Producing, directing and acting dynamo Veronica Diaz-Carranza scored her first job as one of the major roles in HBO’s Walkout, and she hasn’t looked back since. At a young age, she is now starring in the new film Blaze You Out as Lupe, a dedicated young woman who would do anything for her sister, as well as producing new comedy series Bike Cops: Van Nuys. And she isn’t planning on stopping anytime soon!

Veronica Diaz imageYOUNG ADULT: What’s your favorite part about being an actress?

Veronica Diaz-Carranza: My favorite part of being an actress is the opportunity to tell stories and get lost in the character. It’s also my way of expressing myself as an artist and stepping closer to understanding humanity.

YA: What drew you to your role in the new Blaze You Out?

VDC: I loved the complexity of the script. There were so many layers to the characters and their circumstances. It was action packed, intense, and different.

YA: Tell us more about the role you play. What makes her different, and where does your inspiration come from?

VDC: Lupe is a strong female character who loves her sister so much that she would sacrifice everything for her, even her own life. What makes her different is her life struggle. She has to raise herself and take care of her younger sister, and she goes through the dark underworld of New Mexico to do it. My inspiration came from my mother, the love she had for her sister and what she went through to find her.

YA: Describe the path your career has taken thus far; you are also an accomplished producer. Which path do you prefer?

VDC: I have been very blessed and I have worked with many amazing artists, both in front of and behind the camera. I started by studying acting in many different acting schools, until I found Max Decker, who truly understood me and helped me grow as an actress. That is when I booked my first job in an HBO film as one of the leads. I remember talking to the producer and telling him how much I loved directing also, but that I was going to wait till I got older. He said to me “Why wait? Start now.” That was the first time I believed I could. However, in order to direct my first short I had to produce it. That is when I began to learn how to produce. Now I am producing a comedy series call “Bike Cops: Van Nuys”. I don’t think I could choose between the two. I truly love both. It’s about telling a story, the bigger picture and the collaboration of artists.

YA: How do you balance acting with school, if applicable?

VDC: I don’t get much sleep!

YA: What other hobbies do you have besides acting?

VDC: I know it sounds boring but I love to read, create and learn something new.

YA: What’s your favorite book or other piece of YA culture?

VDC: Other than a bunch of directing, and cinematography books, the “Power of Now” actually helped me focus on the moment and gave me the strength that I needed at the time. 

YA: Who do you dream of working with in the future?

VDC: I have a list of actors, directors and writers. To name a few: Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Charlize Theron, Brad Pitt, Zack Snyder, Ron Howard, Diablo Cody and Aaron Sorkin.

YA: What can you tell others pursuing the same career?

VDC: Be ready. Study, study and study some more. Understand as much as you can about the business and respect everyone’s position. This is a collaborative art form; from preproduction to production to postproduction.

YA: What’s next for you?

VDC: I am currently working on this comedy series as well as a feature film based on gold mining kids in Peru.