As I stated in my Letter I’m a huge fan of Hollywood Heights. As a real treat to me, I got to sit and talk with three of the main stars of the show. Brittney Underwood who plays Lauren Tate, Cody Longo who plays Eddy Duran, and Ashley Holiday who plays Melissa Sanders. We were not able to do a sit down with Brittney, but we got to talk to her over the phone. Below is a transcript of each, or watch and or listen to each and see what they had to say.

Brittany Underwood Interview
YA: Who is Lauren Tate?
Brittany: I think she represents a lot of girls. She doesn’t think she’s anything super special, but she knows what she has on the inside that she wants to express. I think deep down she has this talent but she’s afraid of it and afraid of not being good enough, so she’s really insecure about it. But she’s a good girl, a good head on her shoulders, good values. He has her Mom and her best friend saying “we trust your talent and you can really do something with it”.
She’s an inspiration to a lot of girls. People relate to Lauren and they ask me to check out their songs on Twitter. They say “Lauren Tate reminds me of myself”. They ask me to “listen to my songs or read my lyrics”. She really has an affect on these girls.
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YA: What was the casting process like?
Brittany: My casting director read the role and immediately thought of me. They called me in and said it’s exactly what we’re going for. I didn’t screen test for the role. I was the first one cast. I had to make adjustments. Some people are afraid of that but I love it. You want to bring your own things to the table, but you want to know what they want because it’s their initial vision.
I didn’t screen test but they asked me what I thought when casting Ashley and Codie. When Ashley walked in I loved her energy. There was an instant, inexplicable connection, a chemistry. As soon as she auditioned, it clicked. I’m all about energy. She’s lively, funny – all things super important in a friend. We were instantly super close.
YA: The chemistry between you and Cody has been amazing. How have you managed to keep it professional?
Brittany: Well we both ARE professionals. He’s a nice guy and he’s respectful and I think I’m respectful, as well. Actors have to create this chemistry and believable romance and I think we’re really able to get that done. I was in two other romances on other shows that lasted a lot longer. It doesn’t go past that.
Marc: I loved the piano scene
Brittany (laughing): This was the first time Cody and I kissed on-screen. Everyone was shouting : “Here it comes – OMG”. They were all freaking out. It was a pretty fun moment.
YA: Which character on the show do you find most challenging to be Lauren?
Brittany: With Chloe, actually. I love Melissa so much. It’s always fun. We’re playing SO the opposite of how we actually feel. I’m aware that I’m like full-on acting. We’re not mean to each other at all. We get along really well. When she turns into Chloe it’s so funny to me. It’s hard. We crack up and have to pretend we hate each other but really we don’t at all. It’s still been fun.
YA: Is there any Brittany in Lauren?
Briitany: When my casting director read the script he said Lauren is YOU! Lauren is more insecure. I grew up singing in school and church. I used to get the stage fright thing so bad. I never fainted or anything, but I definitely have those feelings of OMG – what if I mess up?! I channel that. Lauren’s more insecure. I control it more. I think I’m goofy and silly and love to have fun and be happy. Lauren lets her insecurities get in her way. But as the show goes on you’ll see Lauren will let go of that .
YA: On the show, is that you singing the song Mars?
Brittany: I do sing it on the show, but I didn’t write it. I love that song! I learned to play it on the guitar. I didn’t actually play the guitar like that, but I bought a guitar and a keyboard to practice. I have musician friends who prepared me for her role. Mars is such a great song. It’s so cool – a lot of girls, and guys, too, have been sending me covers of Mars in different styles, with a lot of different interpretations of it. I love that – to see them do it for a song I really love so much.
YA: What’s your favorite book?
Brittany: My Mom just sent me the latest addition of – I don’t have one favorite book but I’m in love with the author Brad Thor. He writes political, patriotic thrillers. Kinda like “24” in a book. It’s about an ex-navy Seal operative, ex-secret service, The President’s right-hand go-to guy who has to have an covert Operation taken care of. He’s written 11 books. I hope he converts them to movies. If he hasn’t done it already, I want to be part of it. I’d do it on my own. It’s action-packed. The author is so knowledgable about all the weapons and in terms of the way the Operation goes down and he has a lot of friends in the Service. His latest book is “Black List”.
He’s so creative.