Ya Casting Roundup

It would seem that casting news for Young Adult Hollywood revolves around just a few hot and very in-demand names, and what a busy bunch they are! But because things change in showbiz faster than you can say ‘second to the right, and straight on till morning!‘ the names on that list are changing all the time. So to that end, we here at YA Mag will undertake the hefty task of keeping you up to date each month on who’s playing what, who’s not, and who should. The roles and stars everyone can’t stop talking about are all here…

Firstly, more on a Disney classic that is getting not one, but two major updates. First, there is the Disney-produced update of The Jungle Book, with talented director (and actor, writer) Jon Favreau set to helm. The cast is growing rapidly, with busybody Scarlett Johansson attached as Kaa the python and Oscar winner Lupita Nyong’o as Rakcha, a mother wolf. As for the other Jungle Book project, it’s over at Warner Bros, to be directed by the gifted motion-capture actor Andy Serkis (aka Gollum himself).

LEFT TO RIGHT: JOIN FAVREAU TO HELM “THE JUNGLE BOOK” ADAPTATION, CASTS SCARLET JOHANSSON AND LUPITA NYONG'O. ANDY SERKIS TO DIRECT SEPARATE ADAPATATION.As for another much-loved children’s tale getting a major update, we have a bevy of casting news for Pan, the new take on Neverland starring Hugh Jackman and Garrett Hedlund. With a flurry of controversy due to the fact that the production nixed casting a Native American, Rooney Mara is set to play Tiger Lily, and now Amanda Seyfried will be portraying Mary. Other actors set to join the project are Nonso Anozie, Kathy Burke, Jack Charles, Taejoo Na, Kurt Egyiawan, Lewis MacDougall, Leni Zieglmeier and Cara Delevingne.

LEFT TO RIGHT: ROONEY MARA CAST AS TIGER LILY AND AMANDA SEYFRIED AS MARY DARLING IN UPCOMING ADAPTATION OF “PETER PAN”Drew Barrymore continues her successful streak behind the camera after directing the fun Whip It, this time producing a rom-com entitled How To Be Single, about a group of single girlfriends and the one writing a book on what it’s like (sounds very Sex and the City to me). A trio of hunky boys are set to star: Chris Pine, Dave Franco and Taylor Kitsch. So, no complaints here!

LEFT TO RIGHT: DREW BARRYMORE TO DIRECT “HOW TO BE SINGLE”, STARRING CHRIS PINE, DAVE FRANCO AND TAYLOR KITSCHLastly, some requisite superhero news: newcomer to the film world, Ray Fisher is set to play Cyborg in the Batman vs. Superman megamovie. This Robocop-like character also draws from Iron Man, with a backstory involving fatal injuries and the hi-tech robotics that allow him to remain alive (and oh yeah, give him an arsenal of weaponry and superstrength).



And for those exciting new projects announced that don’t yet have stars attached, you heard it here first! Find out about new YA-interest films and TV shows below!

It's a Small World imageIn a bit of TV news, ABC Family is developing an interesting concept called Stitchers, about a young detective who is recruited by the government to ‘stitch’ into people’s thoughts just before they are killed to help solve the mystery.

Back on the film side, another project set to spring forth from the behemoth that is Disney is It’s A Small World. That’s right, they’re turning this ride into a movie. It may seem scoff-worthy, but just remember: many scoffed at the idea of turning that Pirate ride into a film, but after 5 installments, 5 Oscar Sisterhood Everlasting covernominations and over 3 billion made worldwide, Disney is certainly laughing all the way to the bank. Who knows that the Small World story could possibly entail…

Lastly, another rather different title is getting an update as well, this in the form of a third sequel to Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants: entitled Sisterhood Everlasting. This is based on the final chapter of the books by Ann Brashares, but there is no word yet on whether the same crew of girls will be back for the ride.



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