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As Cayden, Lucas starts out in the most banal way possible – as a jock on the football team – and instead of the basketball court in Teen Wolf, the football field is where he first discovers his canine (or lupine) abilities. After some pretty shameless ripoffs (Cayden leaping in a track jacket that looks stolen from Scott McCall’s closet), Wolves does get quite a bit darker and gorier than #TW, as Cayden comes to the ‘mysterious’ town of Lupine Ridge—a place where no one can seem to stop giving him dirty looks.
Two notable dirty-look-givers are Merritt Patterson, aka Olivia from canceled #PLL spinoff Ravenswood, and Jason Momoa, who has been cast as Aquaman in the 47 new DC Superhero movies announced. Merritt does a good job of bringing some angsty sexiness to the table, and Jason almost looks like he doesn’t belong here – his star is ready for new heights.
While much of the werewolf lore in this film works well enough, the incredibly clunky script proves more dangerous a hurdle for these actors than even the fiercest of wolves. With a lighter touch and more imagination, this one could have tipped the scales and risen above the ranks of a B- horror movie.