We hope you enjoy their sweet sound while reading our interview!

What’s it like working together instead of individually?
Almost all of our songs have their inception individually. Usually one of the band members has an idea that they start to develop, then we bring that idea into life as a band. So much of what our music sounds like is a reflection of that collaborative process – we really rely on each other’s instincts. The end result happens when we attack a song together.
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How long before the trailers premiered, did you find out your songs would be played?
We knew it was a good possibility a few weeks before, but we didn’t know it actually was official until it happened. It never feels real until you are sitting in a theater and hear your song on the greatest sound system you could possibly hope for. It’s a really surreal moment.
How did they find you, and was it a shock?
We never really know how people discover us, but like to hope that a friend shared our music with them. There’s still no better tool for music discovery than by way of someone you trust.
Which artist/band would you compare yourselves to?
Although this is a cop-out answer, we really don’t have any one band we would compare ourselves too. And in any event, maybe that band would take offense =) We each have such different and diverse musical influences, and that is probably reflected in the fact that our songs strike a lot of different chords (figuratively, but I guess literally too).
Do you guys have a favorite book and why, or what book are you currently reading?
We are all going to read Perks of Being a Wallflower =)
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