Ya Music Interview Jordan Corey Speaks Out In Song Young Adult Mag

“Tonight, tonight…” I cant get this song out of my head, it’s so good. Thanks to her producers we got Jordan to answer a few of our questions. But before you read the artcle, or while you read listen to Jordan Corey’s latest hit Tonight

Young Adult Mag: How old were you when you started singing?

Jordan Corey: I first started singing when I was in 3rd grade because my mom forced me to do the school play (I was very shy when I was little, so this was her way of “breaking me out of my shell” I suppose haha)

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YA: We’re your parents supportive of your career choice?

JC: Yes, my family has been incredibly supportive. They had me wait until I was older to really aggressively pursue it because they wanted me to enjoy my childhood – I am definitely thankful for that.


YA: Where did your inspiration for the Song “Tonight” come from?

JC: Well, the entire record is the story of the end of a relationship. So…I wrote this at a time when I was processing what was going wrong and realizing that I could no longer stick around and watch the relationship disintegrate. “Tonight” was really about the underlining hostility I carried and sort of the moment where I knew it would never work.


YA: How long did it take you to write?

JC: Tonight? It took Dan and I a day and then probably a few days making little tweaks and listening back. So, it was relatively quick, just sending ideas back and forth until something stuck.


                                                             More On Jordan Corey Is Here


YA: We’ve heard that they’re calling you the next Regina Specter, how does that make you feel?

JC: Oh wow. I didn’t even know that! Haha, but that’s fantastic. She’s a great artist. Very humbled to be compared πŸ™‚


YA: Who do you listen too?

JC: I really am an old soul at the end of the day. I listen to MoTown and classic rock….two totally different genres, but they hit the sweet spot for me.


YA: And do you have a favorite book and why, or what book are you now reading?

JC: Favorite book hands down is Kane & Able by Jeffery Archer. I literally recommend it to anyone who ever asks me what book to read. Just brilliant, I could read it again and again.



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