Consisting of sisters Melissa, 22 and Jessica, 19 Labbadia, L2 have co-written and recorded more than 60 songs, and their latest single “Insomnia” is currently #16 on Billboard’s Dance/Club Play Chart. We got the chance to go backstage and experience them for ourselves.
YA: When did you guys start singing?
Jess: We were little, like I was 5 years old and Melissa was in 2nd grade. We started off in Musical Theater.
Melissa: And then when Jess was 15 and I was 18 we formed a band, Body of Sisters. That eventually became L2.
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YA: Where does the inspiration for your music come from? Do you write all of your songs? YA: Was ‘Boys or Girls’ based on a break-up? Whose? |
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YA: Where did you film your latest music video, ‘Insomnia’? What was it like being on set?
Jessica: We shot that in L.A. on a soundstage.
Melissa: We had a really great director. His name is Matt Alonzo, and he was really great to work with.
YA: How long do we have to wait until you release a full album?
Melissa: We are working on it right now.
Jessica: We have 8 new songs that we’ve been working on for the past year.
Melissa: It’s been such a big year for us. We’ve really found our sound and defined ourselves as a group.
YA: What’s been your favorite part of this so far?
Jess: ‘Boys or Girls’ going #10 on the Dance Chart was amazing. Looking at our names up there with artists we look up to– Katy Perry and Rihanna– was just really cool.
YA: Speaking of which… Who our some of your music icons?
Melissa: We like to think of our sound as Katy Perry meets Kelly Clarkson meets Rihanna.
Jess: Like all of those artists married together! But we also really like 80s glam rock. And we love Pat Benatar.
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YA: You guys have some pretty stellar style. How do you define this?! Who are some of your favorite designers? Melissa: Well, we definitely draw some inspiration from glam rock. Jess: Like all these metal studs… love them. Melissa: These <pointing to fringe halter> are L-Space. It’s actually a bathing suit company, but we pair their things with skirts. Jess: And shoes! Melissa: We love, love our shoes. Jess: These are Jeffrey Campbell. |
YA: Who are your guys biggest fans, typically? And how do you stay connected to your fan base?
Melissa: Our fans are mostly between 15 to late 20s. That’s our core-group.
Jess: We are constantly on twitter, that’s our big thing. Follow us, our handle is L2Official. And then there’s our Facebook fan page.
Melissa: And I’m really into Instagram!
YA: Are you guys reading or watching anything right now? I have to confess I’m totally obsessed with Pretty Little Liars! What do you like?
Melissa: We love Pretty Little Liars!
Jess: And then we also watch 90210. And Vampire Diaries!
You can check out their music video Insomnia on Youtube, and for a limited time they are offering a free download of their new song, Limitless, on their website: