Image via Fox.
Series Rundown: The X Factor is yet another vocal show, mining the masses for the next big star. Unlike American Idol, where the judges only critique the contestants’ performances and don’t develop relationships outside that, on The X Factor each judge mentors the finalists, and helps them with song selection and styling. Simon Cowell, reality genus extraordinaire is the mad scientist behind the show (which was adapted from the wildly successful British format), so you know it’s good. As the show enters its second season after developing the cute-as-a-button Melanie Amarro, the most exciting changes come on the judges’ side. Britney Spears, mega-mogul, should be interesting to watch in her new authoritative role. Simon Cowell himself and LA Reid, a cornerstone of the record industry, make up the male contingency. Demi Lovato, coming off the huge success of her new album rounds out the panel.
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Highlight(s): Simon Cowell is one of the most compelling people on television, period. Britney Spears is just good television. Do it.