Parenthood Recap

Parenthood imageWe’re back with the family from Parenthood as the drama unfolds. Amber and Ryan take Sarah out to a secluded spot by a lake. They want to have their wedding there because it’s sentimental to Ryan and where they had one of their first dates. When Sarah worries about the size of the small clearing, Ryan says his side of the wedding will only be his groomsmen, since his mom is not coming. Sarah tells them, unconvincingly, that she likes the spot.

In their dorm, Drew plays a song on his laptop for Natalie. She plays a song for him, saying she uses it as a measure of whether they can be soul mates. Drew likes the Joni Mitchell song and she declares him her best college friend. Julia sends Joel off to work while she deals with the quarrelling kids.

Heather is worried about their war chest and asks Adam if he can ask his clients for donations. He is hesitant about hitting up his clients so Kristina asks about his previous clients. She reminds Adam he had Mr. Ray, who has become popular since recording at the Luncheonette. Adam confesses he is intimidated by him.

On the latest episode, Sarah and Amber struggle with the wedding bell blues while Julia and Joel try to keep it all together. Kristina and Adam hit the campaign trail hard and enlist Team Braverman to go door-to-door, while Jasmine helps usher in a new era for Crosby and his band on the run. Zeek gives Camille a little of what she wants.

Will you be watching the next episode? We will! Which character do you relate to most?