
Bram StokerYA: How did you come up with Dracula?
Bram Stoker: How does anyone come up with anything? I had been having a lot of trouble sleeping, was pacing a lot at night and started doing my research about a real count in Transylvania. I would say it was a combination of lack of sleep and an overactive imagination.

YA: How do you feel about the explosion of Vampires in current literature?
Bram Stoker: I’m of two minds – obviously they resonate for a reason…but I’m not a fan of the sparkles.

YA: What is your favorite TV show?
Bram Stoker: Game of Thrones, without a doubt.

YA: What is your favorite Vampire movie?
Bram Stoker: That’s a difficult question as there are so many. I really am a fan of what Rice did with Interview With A Vampire, that said.

YA: Which author do you most respect?
Bram Stoker: Again, I think Rice has done so much for the genre. Is it alright to move away from Vampires and say I’m a rabid fan of the Game of Thrones series? They encompass so much, it’s astonishing.

YA: Is there someone you would like to sit down and have a heart to heart chat with about vampires?
Bram Stoker: Stephanie Meyer…Although I’m not sure we see eye to eye, I’d love to hear her take on inspiration and where she sees the genre going in the future.

YA: What about vampires do you think makes them relevant throughout time?
Bram Stoker: They confront the deepest fears in all of us – acceptance, ability to be loyal and control our ugly urges, as well as loneliness and fear. They’re endlessly interesting to me.

YA: Would you call yourself a happy author?
Bram Stoker: I’m happy with the legacy I’ve left, but anyone who says they’re a happy author is lying to some extent.

YA: What advice would you give to those trying to follow in your footsteps?
Bram Stoker: Don’t follow in anyone else’s footsteps, forge your own path.

YA: What do you think the biggest misconception about vampires is?
Bram Stoker: That they’re love-obsessed. They’re obsessed by many things…love being one, but it’s not the driving force. Also the sunlight thing is a bit misconstrued, but that’s another conversation.