YEM Exclusive Interview | with Frankie Rodriguez and Joe Serafini from High School Musical The Musical The Series
Does everyone know of a game called Guess The Song? If so, prepare to watch Frankie Rodriguez and Joe Serafini. Continue reading
Does everyone know of a game called Guess The Song? If so, prepare to watch Frankie Rodriguez and Joe Serafini. Continue reading
Here are the new books coming out for this week on New Book Tuesday. Click each book for more information and to. Continue reading
Is everyone psyched for Glamorous' release? If you're curious about this show, we have some exciting news! We. Continue reading
This week YA Author Rebecca Mahoney took over our Twitter as a part of our weekly Thursday Twitter Takeover.. Continue reading
Rebecca Mahoney is the author of The Memory Eater. The Memory Eater follows seventeen-year-old Alana Harlow who. Continue reading
Have you seen the latest hallmark movie, The Wedding Contract? If you're curious to know more about the movie, we. Continue reading
Here are the new books coming out for this week on New Book Tuesday. Click each book for more information and to. Continue reading
Cruel Summer returned on June 5th with its second season. This latest season has many people curious about what. Continue reading
This week YA Author Dan Solomon took over our Twitter as a part of our weekly Thursday Twitter Takeover. Dan. Continue reading
Dan Solomon is the author of The Fight for Midnight. The Fight for Midnight follows Alex Collins who finds. Continue reading