Artist Emily Rowed has come a long way from her Vancouver roots. She came on the scene with her EP Electric Heart which was released in 2017 and then another called April in 2019. In fact, two of her songs from April were used in our new Netflix addiction, the series Tiny Pretty Things. This month she released her newest EP called Crying in Cars. Check out YEM’s exclusive interview with Emily Rowed about her music career here:
Young Entertainment Mag: When did you find out your song was going to be played on Tiny Pretty Things?
Emily Rowed: I found out at the end of 2019, I was really excited even though I had no idea it would be a #1 on Netflix!
YEM: What was the process like?
Emily: The music supervisors looked for music that fit the show and the demographic of the audience, they were familiar with my catalogue from recent years and pulled a couple songs they felt matched the scenes.
YEM: What feeling are you hoping people take away from your song when watching the scenes play out?
Emily: ‘Glowing in the Dark’ is about hope, having a strong compass, something to guide you back to yourself when you’re losing your way.
YEM: Were you happy with the end result?
Emily: Yes, this exceeds any expectations I had!
YEM: What’s it like having more than one song play on a show?
Emily: I feel really lucky, this opportunity is exposing my music to people around the world, as of today, the songs have been shazammed 90k times!
YEM: What type of feedback did you get after the songs aired?
Emily: I received really amazing feedback from people all over the world which means so much to me. I feel so honored they went looking for my songs.
YEM: I saw you on Brennan’s instagram live the other day and you mentioned that a lot of the songs picked for the show were from Canadian artists? Can you talk a little about that?
Emily: One of the music supervisors is Canadian – she really supported her community and found as many local artists as she could.
YEM: What’s the best way to describe your sound?
Emily: I make emotional pop music, sometimes it’s crying music, sometimes you can dance a little to it.

YEM: How have you been keeping your craft alive during these hard times? And what’s one thing you can share with artists struggling?
Emily: I’m always journaling, it keeps me honest and in touch with my ideas and creativity. And I’ve been taking it slow, letting go of any pressure to produce anything.
I hope artists who are struggling know that this moment, these slow years are a part of a long story. Let the small things inspire you.