Emma Kate Interview

Emma Kate has exploded onto the scene in a blur of day glo with the release of her new single “Neon Yellow Hearts”.  Fresh from high school, it’s about dancing, figuring life out and doing just the right amount of wrong.   We caught up with Emma Kate recently to talk about her previous career as a badass back up dancer for the New Jersey Nets and being a twin!


emma-kateYA Mag: Hi Emma Kate! Describe yourself to us in three words.

Emma Kate: Spirited, Inquisitive, Compassionate


YA: Tell us a little about your childhood.  I hear you have a twin.  I’ve always wanted twins that I can dress up in matching dresses **wistful** …

EK: Growing up with a twin meant I always had a friend no matter what.  We are SO different that once we started dressing ourselves our mom couldn’t get us to match even if she wanted! I am the youngest of five so growing up was always a full house with all of our respective teammates and friends etc., so music really helped shape my identity through all of the madness!


YA: Is it true that before you were a singer, you used to dance for the New Jersey Nets? That’s KIND of a big deal.

EK: Yes! I was a dancer for the New Jersey Nets!  It was so much fun learning what it was like to perform on a big stage, and draw energy from the crowd.  It helped me come out of my shell and be less shy about sharing my voice which eventually led to relentless singing shows for my friends and family at every possible occasion!


YA: How did you make the transition from dancer to singer?  Do you ever miss the dancing aspect of your career?

EK: I was always in chorus and an acapella group in school, but in 9th grade a friend asked me to sing in the school talent show with her which was my first “solo” experience!  From there I couldn’t get enough, and started writing and recording original music and performing around NYC at clubs like The Bitter End, The Rockwood Music Hall, and The City Winery. Most of my music is upbeat so I still get to dance while I perform and bridge the two!


YA: Where do you do most of your songwriting?  On the subway?  In the shower?!

EK: I am still learning the craft of songwriting from my writing partner, Aaron Kamin, in LA.  He has taught me to take the things I write in my journal and make them universal, so that even a silly party song is something meaningful to me. Sometimes I go and people watch in Central Park for ideas, but most of my ideas come to me just as I am about to fall asleep so I’ve started keeping a journal next to my bed, it also doubles as a dream journal so I write in it first thing in the morning!

neon-yellow-hearts-coverYA: You have a new song out, Neon Yellow Hearts.  What’s it all about?

EK: Neon Yellow Hearts is about the final time my friends and I were all together before going to college.  We were just hanging out at my best friend Niki’s house and decided to have one final blowout!  We played the music too loud, laughed a little too hard, and watched the sunset on the roof.  I just wanted to capture that fleeting moment, the transition from high school to college, where you don’t really know what’s going to happen, but still staying hopeful.


YA: Tell us about your work with the Joyful Heart foundation.  It sounds like a very empowering organization for women who are struggling with domestic violence.

EK: I got involved with The Joyful Heart foundation after a friend of mine had been interning there!  She has been tasked with drawing a younger following for the group because it is so difficult to get young people talking about the issues of sexual assault and domestic violence.  Being in college I find these issues very prevalent on campus, and at times overlooked, which makes being involved with the Joyful Heart so important to me. 


YA: Although you’re a New Yorker, you’ve spent some time over in Los Angeles promoting your single.  How do you think the two cities compare with one another?  There always seems to be a bit of a rivalry.

EK: I am a true New Yorker, through and through! After spending so much time in Los Angeles, I actually had to get a driver’s license because growing up in New York I never needed to drive! I love being in LA because I love the inspiration and the energy of the musicians there, but can’t beat a New York Bagel! Sorry!!


YA: Can you share a secret talent with us?

EK: I played many sports in high school, but my favorite was softball.  I can pitch windmill up to 50 mph. 


YA: Which recording artist, past or present, would you love to perform with?

EK: That is such a tough one! There are so many artists I would love to be on stage with, but I guess I’d have to pick Madonna!  The Energy she gives in her shows is infectious, and she really brings you into her world.  You are fully transported out of reality for a while which is something that I love about her shows. 


YA: What are your biggest aspirations for the rest of the year?

EK: I hope to continue getting more of my music out there for people to hear, and bring a bit of happiness to those who listen for at least a few minutes!! I am so excited to be performing my music live a lot this year too.  Oh, and to pass my exams in school!


YA: Where and when can we catch you live?

EK: I’ll be singing the National Anthem for the Milwaukee Bucks’ home opener on October 31st