Happening Around The Web

Here are Young Adult Magazine’s top picks for fun stuff that has been happening around the web this week:

Teen Vogue caught up with Malificent star and A lister in waiting Elle Fanning.  Teen Vogue’s editor in chief dishes the dirt on what Elle was REALLY like:

Kendall and Kylie Jenner were just announced as co-hosts of the Much Music Awards. The kids from Awesomeness TV weigh in on the decision.


Janoskians, the hot teenage answer to the Jackass pranksters, cause some trouble in Paris:


Gamester Pewdiepie gives us his commentary on the new Next Car Game demo prior to its release .  Entertaining stuff!


With the release of hotly tipped sci-fi flick Edge of Tomorrow this weekend, CinemaSins decided to take a look back at last summer’s sci-fi blockbuster Gravity to show us all the things a sci-fi film SHOULDN’T do.


We love Jenna Marbles!  This week, the crown princess of Young Yuoutube shares her wisdom as a pet owner (aka parent).  Essential viewing: