IF Your Imaginary Friend Had a Playlist, It Would Probably Look Something Like This

What IF we had a brand new playlist for you inspired by the out of this world imaginary friends from the movie If

This playlist is perfectly curated with songs that would be on a little creature’s soundtrack as well as new music from rising artists that would fit perfectly with the movie. If you’ve seen the film or even the trailer, you know how much personality imaginary friends can have and this list of songs is designed with them in mind. You’re definitely going to want to give this it a listen and make sure to check out the new feature film If today. Without any further ado, here is our playlist from Young Entertainment. Check out our top three songs below.

1. “Monster” – this song is an oldie, but a goodie and perfectly encapsules this film in a three minute moment. It’s fun, melodic and danceable. Our girl Riri says it all in the catchy chorus “I’m friends with the monster that’s under my bed, get along with the voices inside of my head.”

2. “Boys” – flowerovlove just released her newest single and we love it. It’s perfect for this playlist and it’s perfect for everyone who has ever dealt with… boys! Even imaginary friends have a little bit of boy drama here and there. Check it out now!

3. “BIRDS OF A FEATHER” – pop sensation Billie Eilish has just put out her album and this song is just perfect for this occasion. Whenever you picture imaginary friends, what do they look like?? Are their feathers? Maybe, maybe not, but either way this song is an absolute must for the imaginary friend playlist! If you haven’t heard it already, check it out now!!

Even imaginary friends listen to music – make sure to ask yours which songs were their favorites! 

Hope you enjoyed this list of songs from YE, make sure to subscribe for more and watch the movie If today! 

Check out the trailer for If here: https://youtu.be/mb2187ZQtBE

And our exclusive interview with Cailey Fleming where she gives us the scoop on working with Ryan Reynolds!
