I would like to share my thoughts on what I thought was one of the most amazing productions of the past year. I had the pleasure of seeing Les Miserables, an incredible epic story about social injustice. The artistry and costumes in every scene were magnificent, and the voices were incredible. Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean, and Anne Hathaway as Fantine, were superb. I saw the show about ten years ago and I have not been able to turn off the soundtrack since. Last year, I saw Mamma Mia with Amanda Seyfried. When I heard she was going to play Cosette in Les Mis, I was excited. I get chills every time I see Miss Seyfried’s memes on Facebook, most of which were from the cult classic film Mean Girls. Her growth as an actress and her accomplishments are inspiring. Miss Seyried showed us she was capable of both comedic and dramatic roles, and I can’t wait to see what’s next on her agenda. Les Mis is a book that was written by Victor Hugo in 1862, and he would be quite proud to see how his story, made into a play and a movie, has touched so many people’s hearts. 

This month’s issue is warmly dedicated to Victor Hugo’s Les Mis. Though theatre is a beautiful medium for us to enjoy many breathtaking films, television, too, is a wonderful place to view talented actors who give us great moments of joy. This month, Smash, a show that became a hit in its first season, is starting its second season, bringing stars to the small screen. We had the great pleasure of interviewing the young up-and-coming actor, Jaime Cepero, who plays Ellis on the show. Please click here to check it out.
As a tribute to Valentine’s Day, all the stories in this issue will be dedicated to romance.