About Time
At the age of 21, Tim Lake discovers he can travel in time...
At the age of 21, Tim Lake discovers he can travel in time...
Marvel's Thor: The Dark World continues the big-screen adventures of Thor, the Mighty Avenger, as he battles to save Earth and all the Nine Realms from a shadowy enemy that predates the universe itself.
Reggie was an ordinary turkey, until one Thanksgiving he was pardoned by the President!
In the near future, a hostile alien race has attacked Earth.
Superheroes (and their villains) have some of the most inspiring and epic quotes...
Young Adult: Tell YA a little bit about yourself when you were younger...where did you grow up? Roxie Bardo:. Continue reading
I was lost in thought--my head reeling with questions about what would happen if we couldn’t complete this mysterious task--when I was rudely brought back to the present by a sharp elbow poking into my ribs.
Young Adult: Tell YA a little bit about yourselves when you were younger...where did you grow up?Max and the. Continue reading
Star of the new Nickelodeon show Deadtime Stories Jennifer Stone will probably be familiar to many viewers: she played peachy keen Harper on Wizards of Waverly Place with Selena Gomez.
YA recently got a chance to chat with up and comer Mikey Wax.