The Book of the Night (Libyrinth)
"The world of the Libyrinth has experienced a series of wrenching changes...
"The world of the Libyrinth has experienced a series of wrenching changes...
"Just as in the original Bar Code Tattoo, the year is 2025 and the mysterious, ubiquitous...
"Meridian Sozu is a Fenestra, an angel infused human, destined to transition souls into the next world...
"The Scriven people are brilliant, mad--and dead. All except one, whose monstrous creation is nearly...
"Growing up on Catalina Island, off the California coast, Scarlett Wenderoth has led a fairly isolated life...
"17-year-old Banyan is a tree builder. Using scrap metal and salvaged junk, he creates forests for rich patrons... >>>>>>>>>WATCH TRAILER<<<<<<<<<
"Gonna have to face it: Jody's addicted to Jackson Gatlin, frontman of The Regulators...
"Since childhood, sixteen-year-old Evelyn Winters has been trained to be Daughter of the People...
“After leaving Society and desperately searching for the Rising... >>>>>>>>>WATCH TRAILER<<<<<<<<<<
“When Perry ends up in Venice on a European tour with his band Inchworm, he can’t resist a visit to Harry’s Bar...