Dead Girl Moon
As their hardscrabble lives intertwine in a small, corrupt Montana town...
As their hardscrabble lives intertwine in a small, corrupt Montana town...
Audrey Whitticomb has nothing to fear. Her mother is the superhero Morning Star...
For generations, Spinsters have been called by Arras’s Manipulation Services to work the looms and determine what people eat...
Ricki’s dad has never been there for her. He’s a bounty hunter who spends his time chasing parole evaders...
When Nicole Castro, the most beautiful girl in her wealthy New Jersey high school...
The world is dead. The survivors live under the protection of Breathe, the corporation that found a way to manufacture oxygen-rich air...
"Living in the aftermath of the Event means that seeing the dead is now a part of life...
“Seventeen-year-old Tricia Farni’s body floated to the surface of Alaska’s...
"Elysia is a clone, created in a laboratory, born as a sixteen year old girl...
"Ethan Wate has spent most of his life longing to escape the stiflingly small Southern town of Gatlin...