YA Music Interview – Imagine Dragons in an Exclusive Interview | Young Adult Mag
Imagine Dragons, featured in two movie trailers over the past month, The Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Words...
Imagine Dragons, featured in two movie trailers over the past month, The Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Words...
With a background in Film and TV Production, Hilary was one of the lucky ones to participate on the Spielberg-produced reality competition show On the Lot...
To go back to our Little Island interview, click here I don’t let myself think that I shouldn’t. Continue reading
Siobhán Parkinson is one of Ireland's best-known novelists for young people. She...
Fourteen kids. One superstore. A million things that can go wrong. In...
Liz Maverick, Author of Book: Arcania- Trial By Fire YA: When did you decide to start writing? LIZ. Continue reading
Kira Snyder, Author of Book: The Parish Mail Series – Dead Letter Office YA: When did you decide. Continue reading
Heidi R. Kling, Author of Books: The Spellspinners of Melas County – Witch’s Brew and The. Continue reading
Coliloquy is helping to create new forms of storytelling. The co-Founder and CEO of this unique publishing house, Lisa Rutherford, shares thoughts on...