YA Story – Abuse | Young Adult Mag
Nate woke up with a sudden jerk, hitting his head against the wall as he fell back.
Nate woke up with a sudden jerk, hitting his head against the wall as he fell back.
We asked the questions, and he answered. Introducing new up and comer Steven Kaplan.
How do you come up with this stuff? The most popular question – hands down – I get asked.
I'm one of those people who woke up one day and said, "Hey, I think I'm going to go to school for screenwriting."
It was never decided for me; I just started writing.
The main character in my YA debut -- Welcome, Caller, This is Chloe -- adores vintage shoes.
In a past life, I think I lived sometime in the mid 1800s in England. I don’t know why, but the first time. Continue reading
"Tonight, tonight..." we got Jordan Corey to answer a few of our questions.
It's not a hospital, a spa, or an institution.
It’s 1944, and the world is at war.