Parenthood Finale Pontiac

The season 5 finale of Parenthood just aired and we have a major Braverman-sized hole in our hearts. Looking back on the season, we think the finale was more than satisfying. With the show’s future in limbo pending a season 6 pickup we think there was a nice sense of roundness to the show…however we’d love to see more of our favorite family. In honor of the finale, we’ve decided to recap some of our favorite moments from the season and finale.


Haddie’s homecoming

Haddie’s been a missing part of the show since she left for college, but on the finale she came back…with a girlfriend in tow. Wunderkind Tavi Gevinson guest starred and we loved this storyline. Of course, Haddie’s parents were amazing and supportive when she finally came clean about the nature of their relationship, but we didn’t expect anything less from them.


Victor winning the Essay contest

All of Victor’s hard work at school finally paid off and it was very satisfying to see. Him winning the essay contest brought Joel and Julia together in a way that we haven’t seen them connect for most of the season and gave us more than a little hope of reconciliation.


Braverman sliding down the stairs / Selling the house

The Braverman house was a major point throughout the entire season, with Camille strongly encouraging Zeek to sell, to receiving an offer before they were ready, to finally moving forward with the sale. Packing up the house throughout the finale was an emotional experience, but not entirely sad. When Crosby and Adam slid down the stairs on a mattress, we both laughed and cried. The house is filled with memories, but just because it’s sold doesn’t mean we can’t look back and remember the good times.


Joel and Julia’s breakup / Telling the kids about the separation

Joel and Julia’s separation was a particularly painful story arc. The way it unfolded rang so true to how divorce goes. It’s painful for all parties involved, especially children who are often innocent bystanders. When Joel and Julia told their kids about their decision to move forward, our hearts broke. Again, we have a sliver of hope that they’ll end up together, but that’s to be determined at a different date…


Hank and Sarah’s reunion

Hank and Sarah are one of the great will-they-won’t-they stories of the season. Sarah is pretty much unlucky in love despite constant interest from men, mostly due to the choices she makes. That’s why despite Hank’s emotional problems, we continue to root for these two. The kiss they shared at the end of the episode was not to be ignored, and hopefully is an indicator of more things to come.


Max has to leave his class fieldtrip

Max is arguably one of the most complex characters on TV. The most emotionally intense moment of the season, in our opinion, is when Max had to get picked up from his school field trip because another cruel kid had peed in his canteen. Max is aware enough of his Asperger’s know that it likely caused the incident but the silver lining on the horrible exchange was the intensely sweet moment Max and his mom shared. She climbed into the backseat and hugged him despite his protests and it was obviously a very needed hug and somewhat of a breakthrough for Max.

What were your thoughts on the #ParenthoodFinale? Tweet us @YAmzine!



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