Pll Tuesday Is Shauna Really A


On the heels of an amazing premiere and in anticipation for a tense S5E2 we’re discussing all things Shana and A. Warning – if you didn’t see the premiere, spoilers ahead. We quickly learn that Ezra survived the shooting, in a move that surprised no one. However, Shana aka THE PURPORTED A BY EZRA is quick to arrive on the scene and try to finish the job. Aria stops her in time, but not before Ezra almost has a heart attack seeing her.

When they’re alone, Ezra quickly tells Aria that Shana is in fact A. When Aria goes to confront her, however, she’s gone. We’re not entirely buying it, but more on that later. Ali takes the rest of the girls to the Fitzgerald theater to camp out until Aria can arrive and tell them who A really is. CeCe, yes THAT CeCe, quickly crashes the party and tells Ali she needs to split. Ali instead gives CeCe her escape passport and a wad of dough…she’s sticking this one through.

Ali comes clean to Emily about CeCe’s activities, namely that she was a paid informant for Ezra and that she wasn’t Red Coat. Meanwhile, in Rosewood, Mona is assembling an Anti-Ali coalition. Things are about to get explosive on that front. Speaking of explosive the end of the episode provided us with more questions than answers, per usual. Shana comes to the theater ready to shoot Ali and the Liars. Arla chooses this time to show up, the girls tussle and SHANA FALLS TO HER DEATH! Now we’ll never know for sure whether or not Shana was A…at least until more information comes to light. We’re inclined to think there’s more to the story, especially since it doesn’t make sense that Ali’s mom would protect Shana over Jason…We feel like there was a missed opportunity with the Courtney DiLaurentis of it all, but there’s still a whole lot of season left for the A theories to play out. Do you think Shana was actually A? Tweet us about it @YAmzine!

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