Lea Michele Hits A High Note
On February 28th, Lea Michele
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On February 28th, Lea Michele
It's that time of year...when summer love springs into bloom! To honor the season, we've rounded up our top 10 favorite movie-love-quotes.
We're not the only website in whole world, you know. Check out these links to some stuff we love this week!
Has Aria lost Hunter, her one true love?
If you're still with us on Glee, you're in it for the long haul—you know (and love) these characters as if...
“Kill for Love” – The Chromatics featured on Bates Motel “Midnight” In...
In the second and final season, the cast and crew of Bombshell work to open on Broadway in New York City. The show...
Ever since rebellion broke out in Mystic City, pitting the ruling elite against the magic-wielding mystics, Aria has barely seen her boyfriend.
Already an accomplished television, film and stage actor, young Cameron Ocasio is also a black belt in karate and shows no signs of stopping.
Quvenzhané Wallis is finally heading back to the big screen! A remake of Annie that stars Wallis alongside...