Teen Wolf Recap Insatiable

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This week’s Teen Wolf is setting us up for a crazy finale…not least of all beause Allison died! You read that right, Alison, got stabbed in the midst of the climatic confrontation. The weapon that did her in was an Oni sword wielded by an evil doppelganger…aka Evil Stiles. After he stabbed her he took off into the night. The survivors are sure to be after him for blood.

Allison’s death recalled another death from seasons past, namely Marissa Cooper from the OC. Our tears were shed at both, but let’s take a closer look at how similar these two events really are.

Marissa died in the season 3 finale of the OC. Allison died in the second to last episode of Teen Wolf season 3. The actual balletic execution of the death sequence was similar as well. After getting run off the road, Ryan carries Marissa and she passes away in his arms. After Allison gets stabbed, Scott catches her in a similar way and the two share a heart-wrenching last moment before she passes on.

Did you like the ending of the episode? Do you see similarities between Allison’s death and Marissa’s death so many years ago? Tweet us #GoodbyeAllison thoughts @YAmzine and tune in next week for the Teen Wolf season 3 finale.