Tomorrow People Superhero

Jed is none too stoked about the prospect of becoming a father.

The episode begins with a businessman getting a regular can of whoopass opened in him by an unidentified breakout.  It turns out he’s a kidnapper and she’s meting out justice.  Later, Stephen has found an electronic key in his dad’s box of old stuff; it’s somehow biologically linked to Stephen’s dad is blinking in such a way that Stephen knows there’s still a signal coming from Roger.  He thinks they should totally mind-invade Jedekiah to find out where he is keeping Roger’s body, but Cara turns him down cold.  Later Stephen and Russell are out drinking when Stephen receives a text from Hilary about the breakout who rescued the woman – she left a rose at the scene.  Flashback to Russell wearing a dodgy hairpiece – it turns out the woman, Talia, is a figure from his past.  This chick is now known as the Red Avenger, because she leaves a red rose and she avenges the innocent, geddit?

Morgan goes to John offering to read Jedekiah’s brain; John thinks it’s a bad idea but agrees to cover for her with Cara.  Meanwhile, Russell gives Stephen the skinny that he and Talia hustled casinos together for a while, and they had a fling which ended when she wanted to go out and help people and he refused.  Stephen and Russell manage to track Talia down via the particular strand of rose that she leaves at scenes.  They trail her to a nightclub and after a scuffle with some heavies that she is terrorizing, they pull off her mask … it’s not Talia!  Talia has started an organization of avengers, of which this girl Mallory is one.

Morgan goes to see Jedekiah and a ton of smooching ensues in her effort to gather intel – maybe she thinks it’s at the back of his throat?  Mallory invites Russell and Stephen on a vigilante mission and they narrowly escape being caught by Ultra, although Hilary finds out it was Stephen.  Back at the lair, Stephen and Russell get a severe dressing down from Cara.  John ‘fesses up to Cara that he was in on Morgan going topside to read Jed’s mind and now it seems that Cara (as usual) doesn’t have a friend in the world.  Stephen goes to talk to Hilary; she lets him see her softer side and seemingly won’t shop him to Ultra.  Mallory tells Russell that their vigilante mission isn’t over; he decides he’s going to go and help her, and frumps out of the lair when Cara tries to stop him.  Morgan ends up sleeping with Jedekiah but doesn’t tell him that she’s pregnant.  He catches her trying to read his mind and almost kills her but John is there to stop him and HE doesn’t hold back with the news that Jed is about to be a dad by Morgan.

Mallory and Russell go to intercept a kidnapping by a chinese mafia group who have taken hostages in a courthouse.  Hilary is determined to go and bust the vigilantes and this spells trouble.  Russell and Mallory break up the kidnapping and John and Cara show up to rescue them before Ultra can get their hands on them.  Cara seems to have had come to her senses and realized that friends are sometimes better than power.  Mallory peaces out and tells Russell to carry on her good work.  As she leaves, Talia puts in an appearance to say how proud of him she is.  Meanwhile, Morgan has some information from the botched mind read on Jedekiah, but nothing more than an image of a butcher’s shop that’s an Ultra front.  Cara has to get into John’s mind to find the location.

Hilary goes to see Stephen.  She pissed at herself for not turning Stephen in but they end up kissing anyway.  However, before things can get too interesting he has some snooping to do at this butcher shop.  Stephen takes the key there to see if there is any sign of Roger’s body and lo and behold – he finds Roger in some creepy blue liquid!  Unforch, Jed is there too and knows what Stephen and Morgan did to find the place.    Who has the right to be angrier at who?!?!  Tune in next week to find out!