This trip to Venice has been beautiful. It’s also been a reminder of how badly I want to fall into the water for attention.
— Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) August 30, 2014
I am freezing. Someone please cuddle me or set me on fire. Either is fine.
— Jennifer Lawrence (@itsjenIawrence) August 30, 2014
We always appreciate people or things more once they’re gone, try & do so while we still have them
— Nash Grier (@Nashgrier) August 29, 2014
F. Scott Fitzgerald: You don’t write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say.
— Quotes For Writers (@quotes4writers) August 31, 2014
Scared of the dark and the dentist.
— Harry Styles (@Harry_Styles) August 19, 2014