In the interview, which has not yet gone to press, Rowling admitted to actress Watson that she had Hermione end up with Ron for personal reasons and that she has reconsidered if that was the right choice given their dispositions; she admitted thinking Ron and Hermione would likely need couples therapy. If Harry and Hermione had ended up together, it would have freed up two of the Weasleys — Ron and Ginny. Ginny may have ended up with Draco, and Ron with a wildcard like Luna. If Harry and Hermione had ended up together, they could have lived a normal life, assimilating to her muggle background, or they could have done something as wild as taking over running Hogwarts and shepherding a new generation of wizards and witches.
One thing that is for sure is that any children Harry and Hermione may have parented would have been highly intelligent and very powerful. While we will never know what may have happened, it’s dubious as to whether we’ve seen the last of the beloved universe Rowling has created and millions have loved. Did you root for Harry and Hermione? Are you more of a fan of oafish but well-meaning Ron? Join the conversation @YAmzine