Bebe Wood is an actress who can be seen on the television show Love, Victor. Love, Victor is an American teen comedy drama television series. The show is set in the world of the groundbreaking movie, Love, Simon. The third and final season of “Love, Victor ” premieres June 15th on Hulu and Disney+. Bebe portrays the character Lake Meriwether in Love, Victor. YEM was able to interview Bebe about the final season of the show, her character, and so much more.

Love, Victor — “It’s You” – Episode 301 — Lake and Lucy spend the night getting closer. Lake (Bebe Wood), and Lucy (Ava Capri), shown. (Photo by: Mike Taing/Hulu)
In the interview Bebe was asked “Were you guys aware of the announcement that was coming that it was going to be the final season? How much of the show had you filmed when you found out?“. She replied by saying” I think we always kind of had an idea that the third season was going to be our last season. I think purely from the standpoint that in this new world of television consumption that is streaming a lot of times alot of shows that are on streaming services do not go beyond three seasons. So I think all of us as people who are familiar with that had some sort of inkling that was going to be the case. Maybe a couple weeks into filming season three we were told officially. We had a very sweet zoom meeting where everyone hopped on and we talked about it, and all kind of went around and shared our favorite memories. It’s all very bittersweet for us too. But I’m glad that we had that knowledge as we were shooting because it really allowed us to enjoy the process, and enjoy creating together. Three years is a long time. We have all gotten to know each other really well, and created this little Love, Victor family. I think it was really helpful to make the third season knowing it would be the final. Just so that we could really enjoy it, and hopefully that could come through in the finished product. I know it will because when you are making things with love it always shows. I am happy that we had that because it gave us closure“.