Emily in Paris is a television show that just premiered its second season of the hit show on Netflix. The show is about a young American woman from the Midwest who is hired by a marketing firm in Paris. She provides them with an American perspective on things. YEM was able to speak with actor Samuel Arnold who is in the show, as well as play a game that had a bit of a connection with the show and its location. Samuel portrays the character of Julien in the series.
The game Samuel played with YEM had him guessing a movie by a description of it that was given to him. Every one of the movies described to Samuel had some sort of a connection to Paris because Emily in Paris is set in the city of Paris. Some of the movies described in the game are extremely iconic. In addition, it’s fun to see how much knowledge Samuel has of film. The descriptions of the movies are hilarious and it is even fun to play along. The answers are also definitely not films that are obvious which makes the game that much more entertaining to watch. The films that described for the game are all very different. They range from classics to animated ones, and some originated from t.v. shows!