Yolo Internet Girls Lauren Myracle

Original author: Lauren Myracle


It’s freshman year of college for the winsome threesome, and *everything* is different. For one, the best friends are facing their first semester apart. Way, way apart. Maddie’s in California, Zoe’s in Ohio, and Angela’s back in Georgia. And it’s not just the girls who are separated. Zoe’s worried that Doug wants to break up now that they’re at different schools, and Maddie’s boyfriend, Ian, is on the other side of the country.In the face of change and diverging paths, Maddie’s got a plan to keep the friends close, and it involves embracing the present, making memories, and roller derby!



The girls are back in town!  Or, rather, separate towns.  Told in text and PM format, these books are always interesting in how they make use of what today’s teens are using to stay in communication with each other.  The author is also updating the previous three Internet Girls books (which features AIM chat), freshening the slang, pop culture, and references.

The bright fun cover, with its trio of emoticons, is instantly recognizable as part of the internet culture.  It fits in nicely with the others in the series–which are also getting face-lifts to match this one!

Young adult author Lauren Myracle is most famously known for the IM books, TTYL, TTFN, and L8R, G8R.  But we also know her as the author behind the incredible LGBT novel, KISSING KATE.  If you haven’t, be sure to give it a read.



The friends’ honesty with one another, even about things like embarrassing sexual experiences and depression, is lifelike (and heartwarming, to boot), and their jargon—“fugly,” “ex-fucking-scuse me?”—will ring true to many a teen reader.  Funny, deceptively smart and just in time for those going off to college.  (Kirkus Reviews)

This honest, nuanced, accessible, and credible account provides teen girls with an authentic and skillfully told description of college life. The story, which can stand independently from the rest of the Internet Girls series, offers readers realistic, engaging, and provocative perspectives on scary first semesters away from home… (Booklist)



YA Contemporary

Hardcover & ebook, 208 pages

Published on August 26th 2014 by Amulet Books (ISBN 1419708716)
