2 Broke Girls S03E17 “And The Married Man Sleepover”

Two Broke Girls imageSome of the charm of 2BG comes from seeing how the girls react to serious, adult situations. “And The Married Man Sleepover” may very well be the episode that addresses this most head on. In this episode Nicholas’s wife gives Caroline permission to sleep with him via Skype. While that sinks in, we realize it definitely sounds crazy, but even crazier is the fact that Caroline now has to deal with the fallout. She’s been hiding her fears and insecurities behind this easy out – the fact that she doesn’t have the option to anymore puts her in a difficult situation as she no longer has any excuses not to confront her fears and take her relationship to the next level.

While trying to figure out what to do, Max and Caroline have a fun bonding session over fancy hair treatments. Sometimes the best medicine comes from unusual places. While Caroline has to deal with her own relationship drama, Max and Deke contemplate whether to take their relationship to the next level and start using contraceptives regularly. While the episode addressed difficult topics all around, especially on the responsible relationship level, we’re glad that the girls chose to make responsible decisions both emotionally and physically. Did you relate to “The Married Man Sleepover”? Tune in next week for the fallout!



Two Broke Girls imageSome of the charm of 2BG comes from seeing how the girls react to serious, adult situations. “And The Married Man Sleepover” may very well be the episode that addresses this most head on. In this episode Nicholas’s wife gives Caroline permission to sleep with him via Skype. While that sinks in, we realize it definitely sounds crazy, but even crazier is the fact that Caroline now has to deal with the fallout. She’s been hiding her fears and insecurities behind this easy out – the fact that she doesn’t have the option to anymore puts her in a difficult situation as she no longer has any excuses not to confront her fears and take her relationship to the next level.

While trying to figure out what to do, Max and Caroline have a fun bonding session over fancy hair treatments. Sometimes the best medicine comes from unusual places. While Caroline has to deal with her own relationship drama, Max and Deke contemplate whether to take their relationship to the next level and start using contraceptives regularly. While the episode addressed difficult topics all around, especially on the responsible relationship level, we’re glad that the girls chose to make responsible decisions both emotionally and physically. Did you relate to “The Married Man Sleepover”? Tune in next week for the fallout!