We’re fascinated with origin stories over here at YA and The Originals (set up in The Vampire Diaries) is our new favorite show to get into it.
We’re fascinated with origin stories over here at YA and The Originals (set up in The Vampire Diaries) is our new favorite show to get into it.
In Modern Family’s “The Feud” we got a chance to see how feuds can manifest throughout. Continue reading
This episode isn’t called “A Long Way Back From Hell” for no reason. We follow Rebekah’s. Continue reading
This week on PLL we’re rapidly approaching the finale and things are as hectic as ever. Hanna's having. Continue reading
Glee’s most recent episode of Frenemies, dealt with just that – the strain that comes when two. Continue reading
At the beginning of this episode, we learn through a flashback that Danny and Charlie were roommates when Danny. Continue reading
The episode begins with Stephen’s mom telling him that they need to leave - she has already packed Astrid. Continue reading
The episode starts with the theft of a skeleton key at a company called the Kord Corporation. Quentin shows up. Continue reading
Senior year in Paris means dazzling architecture, gorgeous cafés, and a hefty workload. But no matter how busy her days, Emma Townsend misses her Coast Guard boyfriend, Gray.
The moon has been split, and the Visitors have Earth in their alien grip. But the captive planet? That's not her problem. Megan just wants to track down her missing dad...