Confederates Dont Wear Couture

Original author: Stephanie Kate Strohm

Confederates Don't Wear Couture coverTHE LOWDOWN:

Libby Kelting is kind of a history nerd. In fact, she can’t imagine a better summer than last summer—the one she spent churning butter in a corset at Camden Harbor, the Museum of Maine and the Sea. The summer she met her awesome boyfriend, Garret.

Until, that is, her best friend, Dev, a fabulous fashion designer, hatches a plan to hawk his authentic gowns to the wives and girlfriends of Civil War reenactors. Talk about living history!

Soon, Libby is set loose in a hoop skirt on a nineteenth-century playground. And though business is booming at “Confederate Couture,” Libby and Dev aren’t whistling Dixie for long. Libby misses Garrett, Dev would kill for Starbucks, the Alabama heat is blistering, and there seems to be a violent ghost haunting Corporal Beau Anderson. Which is unfortunate, because Beau is so charming, is just as obsessed with history as Libby is, has really pretty eyes, and knows how to waltz…

There’s no question how this summer’s Civil War reenactment will end, but the victor in the battle between North and South for Libby’s heart is anyone’s guess.



Ah! Mr. Yankee!” I read. “If you want to know what an excited girl can do, just call and let me show you the use of a small seven-shooter and a large carving-knife which vibrate between my belt and my pocket, always ready for emergencies!”

Whoa. This Sarah Morgan Dawson was no simpering Southern belle. I tucked a few blond curls behind my ear and kept reading.

ARC paperback edition



Libby’s light summer adventure takes her once more into matters of the heart, ghostly mysteries, and historical hijinx. The hardcore Civil War reenactors bring an interesting subculture and historically relevant settings to the series—now if only Libby and Dev could stop lampshading how dorky they feel everything is and let the reader enjoy it for five seconds!

This second installment is sure to appeal to those familiar with Libby’s world: a light and fluffy read with fast dialogue and a quick-paced plot. Others may be jarred by the clunky info dumps, lack of depth, and how many of the characters ring as tragically stereotyped. The biggest offender is Libby’s sassy gay best friend, who comes complete with Starbucks-addiction, a distaste for anything that isn’t high fashion, and a string of meaningless lovers.

Such character personality shortcuts detract from what could have been a unique point of pride for YA-reading history buffs, military reenactors, and even patrons of such educational living history events.

In general, Libby makes for a vapid, self-absorbed protagonist more book smart than life smart. She never feels as though she believes her own ‘history nerd’ tagline. Moreover, the amount of geek shaming throughout the book from both Libby and others feels as insulting and outdated as their pop culture references.

Appropriate for ages 14+. Some strong or suggestive language. Light sexual situations. Some alcohol use, but no illegal substances. Light-hearted situations.




If you…

– Enjoy Legally Blonde-style stories

– Are a fashionista, history buff, or a unicorn combo-breaker of the two

– Need a short, quick read

– Love a love triangle, and swoon over ghost stories

– Have ever been curious about Civil War reenactments



Teen Chick Lit

Paperback & Ebook, 208 pages

Published June 4th, 2013 by Graphia (ISBN054797258X)


(Advanced reading copy provided by Jennifer Groves at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.)