Degrassi Recap

Degrassi imageThis week on Degrassi, we watched the students get ready for the kick-off Beach Bash dance. Have you ever been to a school dance sans drama? Neither have the students at Degrassi. Last week, Alli decided to give Leo a second chance. Leo has re-entered Alli’s life to prove that his aggressive past will not be a part of their future. Jenna is supes disappointed and this is causing a LOT of tension in their friendship.

Desperate to prove to her friends Leo’s good qualities, Alli invites him to Degrassi’s Beach Bash dance. At first Leo won’t play ball, but eventually comes around. He manages to wow Clare and Jenna on the dance floor and even make friends with Dallas. While these are steps in the right direction, there’s only so much that can be mended at one school dance.

Going back in time, Drew, under the influence of sleeping pills, called Zoe sweet-talked her…AND invited her to the dance. Let’s not forget that Drew is ENGAGED to Bianca. ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED.

Zoe, trying to save face, bragged loudly to Miles, Maya, and Tristan about her new “fling” with Drew. When everyone realizes Drew’s taken, Zoe bribes him with sleeping pills so he will take her as his date to the dance. What could go wrong? Drew showed up to the dance high on the pills, started hallucinating, and jumped into baby pool that he mistook for an ocean. But while the rest of the school laughed at Drew, Clare was the only one that showed serious concern for him. She sees that this problem goes deeper and relates to the loss of Adam. Maybe Clare will finally be able to help Drew get to the root of his problem, instead of enabling him with quick fixes.

On a happier note, ZIG IS BACK! Even though Maya and Miles were flirty-birdies pretty much the entire episode, that moment when Zig planted his eyes on Maya at the dance brought everything to a halt. Since Zig was unaware of Maya’s budding relationship with Miles, though, it should be interesting to see what will happen. Do you think Miles is right for Maya? Is there too much history with Zig? Only time will tell…Tune into Degrassi on Teen Nick to see all the drama unfold. Check local listings for times.