Frances Hodgson Burnett Interview Secret Garden Top Books

Original author: Frances Hodgson Burnett

We cover all sorts of genres in our Beyond the Grave series but one of our favorite books is The Secret Garden. It appeals to both genders, many ages and helps really engage the imagination. We spoke with Frances Hodgson Burnett about progression, secrets, writing, inspiration and more

secret-garden-coverWhat secrets lie behind the doors at Misselthwaite Manor? Recently arrived at her uncle’s estate, orphaned Mary Lennox is spoiled, sickly, and certain she won’t enjoy living there. Then she discovers the arched doorway into an overgrown garden, shut up since the death of her aunt ten years earlier. Mary soon begins transforming it into a thing of beauty–unaware that she is changing too. But Misselthwaite hides another secret, as mary discovers one night. High in a dark room, away from the rest of the house, lies her young cousin, Colin, who believes he is an incurable invalid, destined to die young. His tantrums are so frightful, no one can reason with him. If only, Mary hopes, she can get Colin to love the secret garden as much as she does, its magic will work wonders on him.


The Secret Garden YA Mag: You emigrated from England to the US at a relatively young age – how did this affect The Secret Garden?

Frances Hodgson Burnett: Everything affected my work. The Garden is very much a tribute to the countryside as I recall it and the relationship between Mary and her parents was an exaggeration of the relationship I had with mine.

YA: You also wrote A Little Princess. Why the fascination with wealth?

FHB: It was always something I struggled with and the only way to keep it from totally consuming me was to write about it.

YA: Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?

FHB: I had an inkling but it wasn’t until my transatlantic journey that I solidified the desire.

YA: What has been the biggest obstacle to your writing throughout time?

FHB: Myself – I’ve struggled with depression on and off for many years. I encourage those battling the demon to seek help.

YA: Do you have any advice for those who wish to write?

FHB: Never give up. Ask for help when you need it. Above all else, believe in yourself.

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