Precocious and articulate Albert Tsai is not your typical child actor.
Precocious and articulate Albert Tsai is not your typical child actor.
If you don’t know Eric Dash’s name yet, you will next year.
"Scotland" by The Lumineers featured on Reign, all episodes Reign is taking the YA world by storm. Not only is. Continue reading
THE LOWDOWN:Ryan Dean West's life is complicated. He's a fourteen-year-old junior at Pine Mountain, a school for. Continue reading
THE LOWDOWN: High school senior Jonas Dolan is a point guard phenom whose athletic star is on the rise. When his. Continue reading
THE LOWDOWN: A week ago, Dinah’s cousin Claire cut her wrists. Five days ago, Dinah found Claire’s. Continue reading
The eternally cool Amy Spalding is back at YA Magazine!
Today, Liz DeJesus returns to talk about GLASS FROST, the second novel in her YA contemporary fairytale series!
A Top 10 of the most highly anticipated titles.