Pretty Little Liars: Here’s what we know about A & Charles DiLaurentis!

Who is “A” and why have they been tormenting our liars for six seasons?

Charles DiLaurentis

That’s the question we all want answered. Season 6 has been the summer of answers but not the first time some major hints were dropped. Executive producer Oliver Goldstick revealed to Entertainment Weekly back in March that the character has been “seen before.” And we already knew from series creator, I. Marlene King, that “A” was in the series premiere. While we’re not sure exactly who is, one thing is clear. Charles DiLaurentis and A are connected, maybe the same person, but all in all intertwined.

With that, here’s everything we know about the two of these two:

A kidnapped Sara Harvey (Dre Davis) years ago from a parking lot near Rosewood, after she ran away from home.  (Season 6, Episode 1)

Charles is the brother of Alison and Jason DiLaurentis. (Season 6, Ep. 4)

Charles is 15 months older than Jason. (Season 6, Ep. 4)

Charles and Jason played together when they were younger, there are pictures to prove it. (Season 6, Episode 3)

At a young age Charles proved to be dangerous. He tried to drown Ali is scalding hot bathwater. He was then put into Radley. (Season 6, Episode 4)

A has some kind of obsession with Alison/Charles and Jason. A made Sara Harvey dress up as Alison the night she disappeared in the dollhouse.  (Season 6, Ep. 1) A watches old movies of the three of them playing. (Season 6, Episode 1)

Mrs. DiLaurentis and Alison’s great aunt, Carol Ward went to visit Charles in Radley regularly. (Both are now deceased) Jason has a theory that Charles stayed at Carol’s home for a time.  (Season 6, Episode 4)

Paperwork says Charles committed suicide in Radley at 16 years old and his organ’s were donated. (Season 6, episode 5) According to Mona these are false papers. (Season 6, episode 6)

There is a grave marked ‘Charles, Beloved Son”  at Carol’s house.  (Season 6, Episode 4) Mr. Rosewood dug up Charles’ grave at Carol’s house. We were lead to believe there was no body. (Season 6, episode 7)

Mona, Charles, Bethany Young (the girl in Alison’s grave instead of Ali) and Lesli (Mona’s sketchy friend) were at Radley at the same time. (Season 6, episode 5)

Charles/A sent Mr. DiLaurentis an antagonizing note that read  “Dear Daddy, Coming home for my birthday. You should plan a party to die for. Just you. Love, Charles.” (Season 6, episode 6)

Charles/A sent the DiLaurentis family another note saying “come alone or not at all.” (season 6, episode 7)

After an interrupted meet up at the arcade with Jason, Charles/A left a home video with a  note for the DiLaurentis’. The video is of the kids playing with “Freddy’ presumably Charles renamed. The note read “I wAnted to trust you.” (season 6, episode 7)

A/Charles has an accomplice. They received a birthday gift from a “friend and ally.” (Season 6, episode 7)  The friend may be Red Coat. The two are seen looking at cameras in the gallery before Aria’s art show. It’s implied they worked together to sabotage it. (Season 6, episode 8)

Red Coat/A’s accomplice is seen watching the Ella Montgumery and Ashley Marin talking through Ashley’s window. (Season 6, episode 8)

A/Charles lured Ali to the prom and confronted her. He took her but not before Ali recognized him. She’s shocked by the recognition. (Season 6, episode 9)

We have our suspicions based on the evidence but who do you think is? 
