Switched at Birth Recap

Switched at Birth imageSummer FINALE, you slay me again. Let’s get right into it. Senator (SENATOR!) Chip Coto calls John Kennish into his office to accuse him of sending the blackmail texts. As we know, these weren’t sent by John but rather by Jace, the naughty English barista. John learns about Daphne and Nikki’s B and E party. NO BUENO. Regina has moved back in to the guesthouse, but she doesn’t know about Daphne’s after hours activities. Regina and Daphne get into it. Brutal. Daphne’s potentially facing serious consequences, meaning, LEGALLY, so she tried to get ahead of it by going to Coto and apologizing. Since he still thinks John is behind it somehow, he decides to turn around and shove a blackmail back in their faces…to the tune of 50K for his campaign.

Daphne, with Jace’s help, writes and expose entitled “Why I Blackmailed a Senator”, and they publish it on Jace’s political gossip blog. There’s no takedown like an internet takedown. Understandably, Coto’s phone starts blowing up as he reads the post SUPER UNHAPPILY WE SHOULD ADD. Coto gets his, Daphne comes clean and all seems well, key word seems. Moving onto our newly hot and heavy couple, Ty and Bay only have three days left together before Ty’s redeployment to Afghanistan. They’re clearly distressed about this. Bay wants to go to an art school in Germany, which is where Ty will be stationed after his deployment. But all the best laid plans can fall like a house of cards. The lovebirds learn that Ty’s redeployment won’t be support, but rather live combat. As in HIGH VOLATILITY. AS IN ACTIVE WAR ZONE. Bay tells Ty about her art school plans, and he seems about halfway through breaking it off (for “her sake”) when they’re interrupted by Toby drama. Bay is has to run defense on the parentals since they oppose Toby’s upcoming nuptials. Ty leaves. When Bay meets up with him later, there’s an empty condom wrapper and another woman’s underwear on his floor. HEARTBREAK Bay goes to Emmett for comfort, but there’s no reunion to be had, only a long hug.

Mary Beth goes to see Ty to figure out WTF and finds out that… Ty staged the whole scene! He faked it to get Bay to hate him so the redeployment would be easier for them! This sounds like a breakdown in communication, but romantic in a way?

Back to the wedding. Everyone wants to call it off. Again. We know this. THEY WANT TO CALL IT OFF WE GET IT, OKAY? Toby hears his dad’s doubts at the rehearsal dinner. Emmett gives a toast (translated through Bay), manages to get through to everyone. All the parents effectually tell the kids to go consummate the marriage instead of getting married to see if it’s the darned hormones. We cut to a scene the next morning where it seems they’ve called it off…. But in reality, they head to the courthouse for a private civil ceremony. This is some old fashioned stuff, kiddos! Ahh, romance.

Angelo is having trouble with the baby, and calls Leo. He shows up and we get into some really emotional moments. He misses the baby and it’s heartbreaking all around. It’s really, really sad. Not knowing where to turn, Angelo calls upon Regina’s mother, Adrianna. Ever-wise, she asks him if he’s raising this girl because he thinks he has something to prove, or because he thinks it’s what’s best. Angelo invites Leo back to tell him that he’s giving up custody. The baby will grow up with two dads raising her and a third that will visit as often as he can. Talk about the new modern family.

The episode ends with a voiceover of Daphne’s blog post. We see mistakes, we see redemption, we see Angelo packing the baby things, Ty packing up his Army gear, Jace being led away in handcuffs, Toby and Nikki leaving the courthouse as a married couple, and lastly Daphne heading for questioning at the courthouse. Switched at Birth returns in January. Until then, rewatch on Netflix until you can’t cry over Ty’s deployment anymore.