The Carrie Diaries

Carrie Diaries promo imageIn a show that struggled to find an audience (being up against THE BACHELOR in your same time-slot doesn’t do much to help anyone’s case) The CARRIE DIARIES managed to find it’s own independent voice. Whether you loved or hated the major differences between teen Carrie and adult Carrie, the show has more than enough charms to stand on it’s own two feet independently of SATC . Particularly, the last episodes in the first season were very groundbreaking. Carrie and Walt move into the city together for the summer vacation. They are housesitting for Larissa, who is spending the summer overseas learning to be a geisha. We recently found out that Walt is gay – in a conversation that GLAAD loudly supported and applauded, so to see Carrie and Walt stay so tight after a confession such as this is beautiful and encouraging to younger viewers.


Sebastian and Carrie are once again on the outs because he made out with Maggie. He was drunk, but that doesn’t MAKE IT OKAY. Actually, that makes it the opposite of okay. Carrie and Maggie (obviously) have a huge fight about it, which makes it seem as though Maggie’s future is in limbo. Maggie also called Walt disgusting when she found out he was gay. This closed minded bigotry also bodes ill for Maggie’s continued presence on the show.


Unlike our gal, Carrie’s dad and sister find happiness, love…and some action. Dorrit sleeps with her boyfriend, Miller, which only further serves to highlight Carrie’s virgin-dom. Not that that’s a bad thing in the slightest, but it causes Carrie a season’s worth of anxiety. Tom is dating a neighbor, a single mother with apparently a comfy as all heck bed (since the two of them never really leave it).


While Walt is out of the closet to Carrie, he’s not OUT out. Walt takes the plunge with the help of Carrie’s Interview magazine colleague, Bennet. Carrie and Sebastian take the on-again-off-again thing to the limit (this girl does grow up to have the big romance with Mr. Big). They break up twice in this episode alone. It’s understandable at her age but it’s a wee bit tedious. If the show gets picked up for a second season (here’s hoping!) will audiences look forward to an eyeful of summer exploits in the city? Or will we start off at the beginning of senior year? Will Carrie and Sebastian make it? Will Maggie return? Will Tom stay with the neighbor lady? And will Walt find happiness in his new skin? Only time will tell…